[1] Q. Zhang, R. Niu, Y. Liu, JX. J, F. Xu, X. Zhang, J. M. Cairney, XH. An, XZ. Liao, HA. Gao, XY. Li, Room-temperature super-elongation in high-entropy alloy nanopillars, Nature Communications. (accepted) (Co-first Author)
[2] Z. Song, R. Niu, X. Cui, E. V. Bobruk, M.Y. Murashkin, N.A. Enikeev, J. Gu, M. Song, V. Bhatia, S.P. Ringer, R.Z. Valiev, X. Liao, Mechanism of room-temperature superplasticity in ultrafine-grained Al–Zn alloys, Acta Materialia. 246 (2023) 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118671. (co-first author)
[3] Y. Liu, R. Niu, A. Majchrowski, K. Roleder, K. Cordero-Edwards, J.M. Cairney, J. Arbiol, G. Catalan, Translational Boundaries as Incipient Ferrielectric Domains in Antiferroelectric PbZrO3, Physical Review Letters. 130 (2023) 216801. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.216801.
[4] Y.S. Chen, P.Y. Liu, R. Niu, A. Devaraj, H.W. Yen, R.K.W. Marceau, J.M. Cairney, Atom Probe Tomography for the Observation of Hydrogen in Materials: A Review, Microscopy and Microanalysis. 29 (2023) 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1093/micmic/ozac005.
[5] H. Wang, Q. Chao, X.Y. Cui, Z.B. Chen, A.J. Breen, M. Cabral, N. Haghdadi, Q.W. Huang, R.M. Niu, H.S. Chen, B. Lim, S. Primig, M. Brandt, W. Xu, S.P. Ringer, X.Z. Liao, Introducing C phase in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V: A new oxygen-stabilized face-centred cubic solid solution with improved mechanical properties, Materials Today. 61 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mattod.2022.10.026.
[6] Z.Z. Song, R.M. Niu, X.Y. Cui, E. V Bobruk, M. Murashkin, N.A. Enikeev, R.Z. Valiev, S.P. Ringer, X.Z. Liao, Room-temperature-deformation-induced chemical short-range ordering in a supersaturated ultrafine-grained Al-Zn alloy, Scripta Materialia. 210 (2022) 114423. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.114423. (Co-first author)
[7] R. Niu, X. An, L. Li, Z. Zhang, Y.W. Mai, X. Liao, Mechanical properties and deformation behaviours of submicron-sized Cu–Al single crystals, Acta Materialia. 223 (2022) 117460. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117460.
[8] Y. Liu, X. Cui, R. Niu, S. Zhang, X. Liao, S.D. Moss, P. Finkel, M. Garbrecht, S.P. Ringer, J.M. Cairney, Giant room temperature compression and bending in ferroelectric oxide pillars, Nature Communications. 13 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-27952-2.
[9] P. Gao, S. Sun, H. Li, R. Niu, S. Han, H. Zong, H. Wang, J. Lian, X. Liao, Ultra-strong and thermally stable nanocrystalline CrCoNi alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 106 (2022) 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2021.08.009.
[10] H. Li, R. Niu, W. Li, H. Lu, J. Cairney, Y.S. Chen, Hydrogen in pipeline steels: Recent advances in characterization and embrittlement mitigation, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 105 (2022) 104709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2022.104709.
[11] Y. Liu, X. Cui, R. Niu, S. Zhang, X. Liao, S. Moss, P. Finkel, S. Ringer, J. Cairney, Extreme Room Temperature Compression and Bending in Ferroelectric Oxide Pillars, (2021). https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-342103/v1.
[12] T. Xin, Y. Zhao, R. Mahjoub, J. Jiang, A. Yadav, K. Nomoto, R. Niu, S. Tang, F. Ji, Z. Quadir, D. Miskovic, J. Daniels, W. Xu, X. Liao, L.Q. Chen, K. Hagihara, X. Li, S. Ringer, M. Ferry, Ultrahigh specific strength in a magnesium alloy strengthened by spinodal decomposition, Science Advances. 7 (2021) eabf3039. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf3039.
[13] Y. Liu, R.-M. Niu, S.D. Moss, P. Finkel, X.-Z. Liao, J.M. Cairney, Atomic coordinates and polarization map around a pair of 1/2a[01-1] dislocation cores produced by plastic deformation in relaxor ferroelectric PIN–PMN–PT, Journal of Applied Physics. 129 (2021) 234101. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0049036.
[14] R. Niu, Impacts of Stacking Fault Energy on the Mechanical Behaviours of Small-Sized Metallic Single Crystals, University of Sydney, 2020.
[15] G. Yang, R. Niu, L. Sang, X. Liao, D.R.G. Mitchell, N. Ye, J. Pei, J.-F. Li, X. Wang, Thermoelectrics: Ultra-High Thermoelectric Performance in Bulk BiSbTe/Amorphous Boron Composites with Nano-Defect Architectures (Adv. Energy Mater. 41/2020), Advanced Energy Materials. 10 (2020) 2070171.
[16] F. Ji, P. Sharma, T. Xin, D. Zhang, Y. Liu, R. Niu, J.M. Cairney, J. Seidel, Lateral Gating of 2D Electron Gas in Cross-Sectional LaAlO3/SrTiO3, Advanced Electronic Materials. 6 (2020) 2000068. https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.202000068.
[17] G. Yang, R. Niu, L. Sang, X. Liao, D.R.G. Mitchell, N. Ye, J. Pei, J.F. Li, X. Wang, Ultra-High Thermoelectric Performance in Bulk BiSbTe/Amorphous Boron Composites with Nano-Defect Architectures, Advanced Energy Materials. 10 (2020) 2070171. https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202000757.
[18] H. Zhou, L. Chang, K. Fu, H. Huang, R. Niu, X. Liao, L. Sheppard, L. George, L. Martinu, Improvement of flow strength and scratch resistance of Ti/Cu nanocrystalline metal multilayer thin films by tailoring layer thickness and modulation ratio, Surface and Coatings Technology. 404 (2020) 126461. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126461.
[19] J. Liu, R. Niu, J. Gu, M. Cabral, M. Song, X. Liao, Effect of Ion Irradiation Introduced by Focused Ion-Beam Milling on the Mechanical Behaviour of Sub-Micron-Sized Samples, Scientific Reports. 10 (2020) 10324. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-66564-y. (Corresponding author)
[20] X. Jinsheng, Y. Jiaquan, C. Xiong, N. Ranming, J. Deng, Research on strain rate-dependent tsai-hill strength criterion for ethylene propylene diene monomer film, Open Materials Science Journal. 9 (2015) 102–106. https://doi.org/10.2174/1874088X01509010102.
[21] Q.C. Zhou, X. Chen, R.M. Niu, C.S. Zhou, Extraction of rate-dependent fracture properties of adhesive interface involving large-scale yielding, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 29 (2015) 1118–1135. https://doi.org/10.1080/01694243.2015.1021656.
[22] X. Chen, R.M. Niu, J. Zheng, D. Jia, Rate-dependent cohesive zone model of the interface between HTPB propellant and insulation, Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power. 30 (2015) 2787–2793. https://doi.org/10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.2015.11.029.
[23] R.-M. Niu, Q.-C. Zhou, X. Chen, Y.-T. Ju, Z. Wei, J. Zheng, Experimental and numerical analysis of mode II fracture between propellant and insulation, Int J Adhes Adhes. 52 (2014) 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2014.03.005.
[24] R.M. Niu, X. Chen, C.S. Zhou, Q.C. Zhou, Construction of HTPB propellant/insulation CZM base on damage, Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology. 37 (2014) 819–823. https://doi.org/10.7673/j.issn.1006-2793.2014.06.015.
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